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Marketing quote of the day February 27, 2009

Posted by David Gillespie in marketing, technology, web 2.0.

Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself. – Chief Seattle, Amerindian. pg. 10 – The Art of Looking Sideways, Alan Fletcher.

There’s always so much written about how social norms can go out the window when the anonymity of the web or even the simple removal of a human face takes over. I believe it’s a temporary state though, and as much as I am loathe to admit it, I think the rise of Facebook has done more to bring about social change over the web than any other service, placing a premium back on the connections we really do have, versus say MySpace, Friendster, or whatever came before which was mass convergency at the expense of  intimacy.

Of course lots of people still choose to use Facebook in that manner, personally I like to keep things a little more closed. But I think we’re just about past the idea that what is appropriate social behaviour somehow differs face to face versus online. What we do to the web – or on it – we do to ourselves, and when we reduce the connections we have down to a series of contact details and earning potential, we get nothing more than that in return.

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Being DESIGNful… February 24, 2009

Posted by David Gillespie in creativity, strategy.

Working on it anyway.

Earlier this week I finished Dan Roam’s Back of the Napkin which, while I would have appreciated more practical application of his ideas, was great none the less, and a good primer for visual thinking applied to business situations.

No sooner had I put that down, I picked up Marty Neumeier’s new book, The Designful Company. If his name rings a bell, I’ve likely told you before about his previous book Zag, and you may even know of the one before that, The Brand Gap, kindly available over on Slideshare in totality. It’ll take you 10 minutes, go read it, then come back.

Marty uses the book as a platform to expound the virtues of design thinking, something that has been on my mind quite a bit lately. Something I really believe but perhaps haven’t articulated all that well in the past is that in order to bring new ideas to the table there’s little value in mining the places everyone else is looking; subsequently I’m more likely to read Fred Wilson than Copyranter when thinking about advertising, though both are great. That’s not right or wrong, it’s just my take, those of you reading A Big Life In Advertising keep at it, I imagine we want different things anyway.

I’m only part way through but Marty is hitting on a number of memes that have been floating around recently, certainly touching on the territory recently mined by Seth Godin in Tribes. It isn’t resonating the way Zag did yet, but it’s interesting none the less – I’ll let you know whether I really think it is worth the coin when I’m done. It’s certainly touching on some things I’ve thought previously, particularly being willing to be wrong, but I cna hardly say I like the parts of the book that agree with me now can I?

While I’m here, I stumbled across Design Thinking, a blog written by IDEO‘s CEO Tim Brown, FYI for those interested.

What was that?

Who is IDEO?!??!


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Value + Hope February 18, 2009

Posted by David Gillespie in philosophy.

In a former life I gave a presentation to the sales team of a company. I was reminded of it after reading this quote from Seth:

What marketers sell is hope.

Hope was part of the thrust of the presentation I gave, the other was value. We would raise hopes, set a price on those raised hopes, and then afterwards the customer decided whether or not they got value. My point was (and is) the seller mitigates value by adjusting the level of hope in the buyer – the price point is almost irrelevant (ok it’s not, but humour me here).

So I agree with Seth, marketers sell hope. But once money exchanges hands, hope transforms into value – either good or bad. Hope isn’t ever received by the buyer, and if one really wants to get into semantics, you could argue hope never actually existed with the seller in the first place.

There’s a link here somewhere to Schrödinger’s cat, though I can’t quite wrap my head around it. Anyone want to have a go?

Oh, and the (not very good)  presentation is below.

Thank you to the three people still reading for indulging me 🙂

Create more value than you capture February 12, 2009

Posted by David Gillespie in business strategy, philosophy.

Anyone who has been with me for a while (thanks for sticking around, even though the posts have been fewer and further between while I get settled somewhere marginally south of the North Pole) knows I am an avid reader of Fred Wilson’s AVC blog. While catching up on his pieces, he had a quote in one post from Tim O’Reilly which I liked so much I stuck up on the door of my office:

Create more value than you capture

Create more value than you capture

That struck a chord with me, and reminded me of a piece I posted back in September on treating people’s contact details as a new currency, something to be traded in exchange for value. I believe companies need to offer great value in order for my permission to contact me, and for the most part people are far too flippant in this space.

Create more value than you capture. Make it worth me putting in my email address, deliver more entertainment than seems reasonable for my $10. What I’m really saying is show me you value my attention even if the only thing you get out of it is your message being heard. That tells me you believe what you have to offer is worth something, and hopefully more than what you’re asking me to give up in exchange.

Go read Tim O’Reilly’s piece that the quote is from, entitled Work On Stuff That Matters. There is no better way to start your day.

<3 February 6, 2009

Posted by David Gillespie in advertising.
1 comment so far

From DDB New Zealand, via the completely adored Bad Banana Blog.

Andrew, I’m looking for this to show up on your much neglected Tumblog… ;]